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154 Horizon Drive, Westlake

BCC Civic Cabinet, at its meeting on 3 July 2006, determined to disallow a development application for some 90 residential units on this 3.16ha site. Instead, it approved the purchase of the site under the bushland acquisition fund. The land is presently owned by the Catholic Church which has held the land for several decades as a prospective school site.

This is a great victory for the local community, a wide cross section of which galvanised strongly behind protection of this valuable bushland remnant.

The site is contiguous with the protected private bushland of the neighbouring 'Sandringham' subdivision. The combined area of remnant bushland shows extensive evidence of current and past koala activity (refer details below). The remnant bushland here is in good condition, with self-regeneration evident and is relatively free of woody weeds.

GPS survey of Koala tree markings

The following information was generated from field surveys of this remnant bushland site undertaken on 23rd and 26th June 2006. The data includes mapping results of data captured by GPS (global positioning system):

    Tabular information:

GPS Listing of trees, other features (incl map) (PDF file - 41KB)
- the waypoint numbers cross reference to the numbered points on the maps (below).

    Maps and aerial images:

Context within Centenary Suburbs and linkages with Brisbane River (PDF file - 255KB)
Map A - both sites with satellite image (PDF file - 578KB)
Map A1 - low-res version, without satellite image (PDF file - 30KB)
Map B - 154 Horizon Drive bushland only (PDF file - 190KB)
Map C - Sandringham bushland only (PDF file - 124KB)


Koala tree markings (PDF file - 1.8MB)
Other interesting plants (PDF file - 1.3MB)
People (PDF file - 1.6MB)
Exotic plantings in protected bushland area (PDF file - 700KB)

Last update 13 Jul 2006
Website established Jan 1996
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